2024 General Election Endorsements
HGEA has a rigorous endorsement process. It begins with island division Political Action Committee members conducting a screening process that includes questionnaires, informal talks and official candidate interviews. The island division PAC recommendations go to the state PAC and then the Board of Directors for final endorsement approval.
This list is comprised of candidates who share our union's values. Electing labor-friendly lawmakers means better laws and quality of life for Hawaii's working families, so please consider voting for these candidates when you cast your ballot in the Nov. 5 General Election.
Ballots will be mailed to you around Oct. 18. Be sure to mail yours back early, and encourage your friends and family to do the same.
View endorsements by county/island: Hawaii Island | Kauai | Maui County | Oahu

Senate District 3 - Dru Kanuha
Senate District 6 - Angus McKelvey
Senate District 7 - Lynn DeCoite
Senate District 12 - No action taken*
Senate District 16 - Brandon Elefante
Senate District 18 - Michelle Kidani
Senate District 22 - Cedric Gates
Senate District 23 - Ben Shafer
House District 3 - Chris Todd
House District 4 - Greggor Ilagan
House District 5 - Jeanne Kapela
House District 6 - Kirstin Kahaloa
House District 7 - Nicole Lowen
House District 8 - David Tarnas
House District 11 - Terez Amato
House District 12 - Kyle Yamashita
House District 13 - Mahina Poepoe
House District 14 - No action taken*
House District 15 - Nadine Nakamura
House District 16 - Luke Evslin
House District 17 - Dee Morikawa
House District 20 - Tina Nakada Grandinetti
House District 21 - Jackson Sayama
House District 22 - Andrew Garrett
House District 24 - Adrian Tam
House District 27 - Jenna Takenouchi
House District 29 - Ikaika Hussey
House District 30 - No action taken*
House District 31 - Linda Ichiyama
House District 32 - Open**
House District 34 - Gregg Takayama
House District 37 - Trish La Chica
House District 38 - Lauren Cheape Matsumoto
House District 39 - Corey Rosenlee
House District 40 - Rose Martinez
House District 41 - David Alcos
House District 42 - Anthony Makana Paris
House District 45 - Desire DeSoto
House District 46 - Amy Perruso
House District 47 - Sean Quinlan
House District 48 - Lisa Kitagawa
House District 49 - Scot Matayoshi
House District 50 - Mike Lee
MAYOR - Dr. Kimo Alameda
District 1 - Heather Kimball
District 5 - Ikaika Rodenhurst
District 6 - No action taken*
District 7 - No action taken*
District 9 - James Hustace
East Maui - No action taken*
West Maui - Tamara Paltin
Wailuku-Waihee-Waikapu - No action taken*
Kahului - Tasha Kama
South Maui - Tom Cook
Makawao-Haiku-Paia - Nohe U‘u-Hodgins
Upcountry - Yuki Lei Sugimura
Lanai - Gabe Johnson
Molokai - John Pele
Bernard Carvalho
Felicia Cowden
Billy DeCosta
Ross Kagawa
Arryl Kaneshiro
KipuKai Kuali‘i
Mel Rapozo
* “No Action Taken” means candidates did not contact HGEA for endorsement consideration in a timely manner or at all.
** An “Open” endorsement means the union does not endorse a candidate.
*** "No Endorsement" means none of the candidates are suitable for support or endorsement.